TA Team Norms

Customer Segmentation

We break our team down into four segments of customers which is used to help define what kind of activities are expected and how frequent they should occur.

Those segments are:

  • Strategic
  • Large Enterprise
  • Small Enterprise
  • Commercial



We use Vitally stay organized internally around our customers. Your account should be able to look at just your book of business or the entire customer base.

Recurring Team Meetings

This team is highly focused on engaging our customers with valuable insight and information. We also are focused on internally surfacing customer information that is important to the business. This means both synchronous customer conversations throughout the day along with synchronous and asynchronous Sourcegraph processes.

Any daily / weekly / monthly team activities will be defined at a later time.

OOO Protocols

Prior to taking time off, TAs should:

  1. Log time off request in Roots PTO
  2. Log time off on the CE team google calendar
  3. Work with their manager to create a coverage plan
  4. Notify their customers through the appropriate channel of their upcoming OOO
  5. Update their slack status accordingly with OOO dates indicated