Case Transitions

This page outlines the process for transitioning cases between application engineers. While we strive to keep this to a minimum, there are situations where it makes sense to transition cases mid-workstream. Some examples include clients operating in different timezones, vacation or OOO, regional team shortages, and more. If an application engineer that’s currently assigned to a case determines that they should transfer the case to another application engineer, the following process should be employed.

Action for the Application Engineer Transition an Active Case

  • Add an internal note, using the Case Transition macro and template (details below)
  • Update the title of the ticket to start with: NEEDS TRANSITION
  • Leave the ticket status in its current workflow status state
  • Send a response to the customer summarizing what steps you’ve taken, what is next, and communicate that you’re handing the ticket off to a colleague.
  • Unassign yourself from the ticket in Zendesk so it appears in the Unassigned Tickets view in Zendesk to avoid any miss in triaging.
  • Post a link to the ticket in the #customer-support-internal channel to notify the team that you need someone to pick it up and why.

Action for the Application Engineer Picking up the Ticket

  • Claim the case in Zendesk
  • Thoroughly review the internal notes and build context before continuing the conversation, then let the customer know that you will be helping them moving forward

Case Transition Internal Note Macro + Template (to be filled out by the transferrer):

  • Ticket Context:
  • Previous Debugging Steps:
  • Link to relevant docs / slack channels / GH issues:
  • Last Step Taken and by whom:
  • Next Expected Step, by whom, when Expected: