Employment verification

You can use Truework if you need your employment at Sourcegraph verified for any reason. Truework is a platform that we’ve integrated with our HRIS system, BambooHR, to allow you to quickly and easily generate employment verification letters.

When should you use Truework?

Anytime you need any sort of employment verification, such as:

  • Home loans
  • Mortgages
  • Visa sponsorship
  • Travel sponsorship (like ESTA applications)
  • Verification of employment and income

How do I generate a letter?

To generate a letter, please follow the steps below:

  • Self-serve:

    • Go to https://app.truework.com/letter
    • Enter “Sourcegraph” for Employer Name
    • Enter your Sourcegraph email address for Work Email
    • Enter 8 letter verification code that was sent to your Sourcegraph email address
    • Click “Download” under the type of letter that you need
    • Your letter is ready!
  • Third party requests:

    • Direct the requester to Truework.com (or to Sourcegraph’s Truework landing page)
    • Click “Start a Verification” (or “Verify a Sourcegraph employee”)
    • The requester will create a Truework account
    • The requester will enter your information and upload relevant documentation to request a report
    • One the request is complete,
      • the requester will receive a notification that the letter is ready
      • you will receive an email from Truework at your Sourcegraph email address to review the report and comment

If a phone call is required, please share our company phone number, +1 (650) 273-5591, and notify people-ops@sourcegraph.com that you will need a verbal verification of employment.

If you have any questions about Truework, you can reach out to the People Team in #ask-people-team in Slack or people-ops@sourcegraph.com.