Frontend platform team completed goals

This page records goals completed by the Frontend platform team historically (started recording in ). See also our current goals.

The main focus for was laying the groundwork to meet our contractual WCAG compliance requirements by the end of . We also reduced the flakiness of E2E tests by refactoring them, assigning ownership, and providing guidance for writing better tests.

  • Design refresh gives Sourcegraph a more modern look and feel and a better user experience by adding refined search results design, renewing focus on code, improving layouts, unifying headers and navigation, and promoting extensibility.
  • Wildcard Component Library provides a base for growth, helps maintain consistency, enables faster FE development, and pays off technical debt.
  • UI performance improvements enhance both actual and perceived page rendering performance.

  • Progress on design debt throughout the web app where the web team owns the design: repo page areas and panels, navigation and headers, general theming, and the blob page (file viewer).