Batch Changes team

Batchers Logo: badger in a silly hat




  • We prioritize our work in our planning board. It is the responsibility of the PM and EM to keep this updated and correct.

  • Each day, Slack reminds us to do our text check-in, which consists of a short message (it shouldn’t take longer than a minute to write) in the reminder’s thread. This should be a recap of what we have finished that day.

  • One Big Thing: Each sprint, each engineer gets one big thing to work on—one significant chunk of work scoped to be doable in a single sprint (leaving some slack in the sprint for customer support and other unexpected issues). When it is completed, engineers will pull P0 items from our planning board into the current sprint to work on (or P1 if there are no P0s).

  • Support rotation: Each sprint, one engineer will assume the role of support engineer, serving as the primary point of contact for customer questions or issues with Batch Changes that are escalated by CE and CS. The support rotation schedule is laid out in our team sync agenda doc, and customer GitHub issues on our team’s radar are tracked on our support board. Any engineer is always welcome to jump in on support requests, but it is the responsibility of the support engineer to ensure that issues that come in are not ignored or lost.

    • At the beginning of a new sprint, the incoming support engineer should update the @batcher-support “user group” in Slack to remove the previous support engineer and add themselves.
    • At the end of a sprint, the outgoing support engineer should use their discretion to decide whether to finish in-progress issues themselves or hand them off to the next support engineer. Either way, the outgoing engineer should review the state of the support board with the incoming engineer in order to ensure a smooth transition.
    • Engineers may arrange for their teammates to cover them on days during their support rotation that they are unavailable due to PTO, holidays, etc.

Sprint planning

Our two-week sprints start every other Wednesday. On the Tuesday before, we have our sprint planning meeting to determine our common goals for the iteration. The process for this is described in our agenda doc. After sprint planning, the team has a retro to discuss how the previous sprint went, and what changes we might want to our working agreements.

Working Agreements

  • To avoid siloing of knowledge and to keep teammates happy, we make sure that everyone gets a chance to work in different areas of the codebase. In particular, we don’t want tasks in area X to always default to person P. We want to strike a healthy balance between spreading knowledge around and building individual expertise in one area. If only one person knows X, we should have a knowledge sharing session about it.
  • We do not schedule team meetings on Wednesdays or Fridays. (Folks are free to pair on these days if they want.) We try to keep our meetings between 8a-10a PT.
  • We do not scramble to get last-minute changes in before branch-cut. (If it’s a blocking issue, there’s a process for that.)
  • If there is no agenda in our sync doc (for our team syncs) 30 minutes before the meeting starts, then the meeting will be cancelled.
  • If a process isn’t serving us, we are quick to either change it or get rid of it.
  • We aim to improve the developer experience of working on the Batch Changes and the larger Sourcegraph codebase as we work on it. We do that by allowing ourselves to set aside time to implement improvements if we see a chance to do so. For example: it’s okay to spend half a day improving our test tooling if we know that it will make things easier for us and others in the future.
  • By default, we record team meetings with 3+ participants (with exceptions for social meetings and retros).
  • Once per quarter, we have a sustaining sprint where we focus only on tech debt, quality-of-life improvements for ourselves, and other improvements that are not immediately visible to our customers. This keeps us performing at our best, and we just deserve it.
  • We have two team offsites each year.

Team Communication

Our team has three Slack channels, one for everyone (#batch-changes) and two just for us (#batch-changes-internal) and (#batch-changes-social). All channels are public and able to be joined by anyone, but our default is to use #batch-changes.

The internal channel is for communications that would be of no interest to someone not on the team. Things like (re-)scheduling of team meetings, vacation scheduling, reminders about tasks that need completing, etc. Keeping these out of the public channel raises the signal-to-noise ratio for folks interested in Batch Changes, but not interested in who will be 10 minutes late to our sync meeting today due to the fact that their cat knocked over a jar of pickles and now there’s glass everywhere and everything smells like vinegar and now you wish you hadn’t read this sentence to the end.

The social channel is for anything else that would be shared over an informal conversation, like what happened last weekend, inside jokes, personal life shares etc.

For bringing support questions or requests to the team, you can alert the engineer who is currently on support rotation using the @batcher-support alias.

Stewardship of src-cli

The Batch Changes team is the current owner of src-cli, due to the fact that most of the src-cli work in recent months has been related to Batch Changes. We do not expect to be the permanent owners of src-cli; when another team becomes the main contributor, we will transfer ownership to them.


Growth plan

We are looking to add one experienced full-stack engineer to our team to help us grow our product in .


Sourcegraphers using Batch Changes

This is a non-exhaustive list of Sourcegaphers use cases for Sourcegraph (either internally or on side-projects):

  • Run TS-Morph-powered codemods on the frontend platform repository. Spec (private)
  • Update PR templates across many repositories.
  • Standardize versions of tools across many repositories by updating .tool-versions files. Search (private)
  • Update CI configuration across several repositories. Blog post
  • Update CI to use system python (spec)
  • Tracking release changesets.
  • Add test plans to all PR templates (example changeset)


Our team logo was designed using resources from Flaticon.