Roles on the Development team

This page lists the roles on our Development team.

Software Engineer

Software engineers build our product and infrastructure.


  • Model and apply our company values and our guiding engineering principles throughout all your interactions and work.
  • Iteratively create, ship, and maintain high quality architecture, code, tests, and documentation that aligns with team goals.
  • Document and share your progress in relevant locations at least once a week (for example: in GitHub issues, team slack channel, #progress,
  • Prioritize unblocking and supporting your teammates (for example: sharing knowledge, answering questions, providing feedback).
  • Help build a great team by referring people who you would like to work with, interviewing candidates, and suggesting improvements to our hiring process.

Engineering Manager

Engineering managers lead, grow, and develop teams of software engineers.


VP Engineering

The VP of Engineering ensures that we have an effective engineering organization at Sourcegraph.


  • Ensure that we have excellent people on our engineering team who are inspired and motivated.
  • Ensure that we have the right plans/priorities, and we are delivering on those plans quickly/reliably.
  • Ensure that we are making the right technical investments for the long term success of our product and team.
  • Ensure that we have excellent culture, organization, and processes.