Creating a Cloud instance

Creating a new managed instance involves following the steps below. For basic operations like accessing an instance for these steps, see managed instances operations what if there is some text here.


Follow to install mi2

git clone
cd cloud

Install mi2 binary

go install ./cmd/mi2/


See flow chart

  1. Set environment variables
  2. Check out a new branch
  3. Init instance config
  4. Init deployment - generate cdktf stacks artifacts
  5. Init deployment - create terraform cloud workspaces
  6. Init deployment - deploy cdktf stacks
  7. Init deployment - generate kustomize artifacts
  8. Init deployment - deploy apps
  9. Deploy application
  10. Enable backup
  11. Commit your changes

Set environment variables

Sharing TF_TOKEN_app_terraform_io is only temporary, this is expected to change in the future.


export SLUG=company
export ENVIRONMENT=dev
export TF_TOKEN_app_terraform_io=$(gcloud secrets versions access latest --project=sourcegraph-secrets --secret=TFC_TEAM_TOKEN)


set -x SLUG company
set -x DOMAIN
set -x ENVIRONMENT dev
set -x TF_TOKEN_app_terraform_io (gcloud secrets versions access latest --project=sourcegraph-secrets --secret=TFC_TEAM_TOKEN)

Check out a new branch

This will create a config.yaml for the instance, this is the source of truth of instance specification.

git checkout -b $SLUG/create-instance

Init instance config

mi2 instance create -e $ENVIRONMENT --domain $DOMAIN --slug $SLUG
export INSTANCE_ID=$(mi2 instance get -e $ENVIRONMENT --slug $SLUG | jq -r '')

Change the Terraform Cloud run mode to CLI-driven

mi2 instance edit --query '.spec.debug.tfcRunsMode = "cli"' --slug $SLUG -e $ENVIRONMENT

Init deployment - generate cdktf stacks artifacts

Generate the terraform (cdktf) modules (stacks) and prompt you to apply the terraform module

mi2 generate cdktf -e $ENVIRONMENT --domain $DOMAIN --slug $SLUG

Init deployment - create terraform cloud workspaces

We use Terraform Cloud (TFC) as remote state backend and remote execution of Terraform. For terraform module we generate later has its own isolated state (a TFC workspace). Therefore, we need pre-provision those workspaces on TFC ahead of time.

cd environments/$ENVIRONMENT/deployments/$INSTANCE_ID/
npx --yes cdktf-cli@0.13.3 deploy tfc

Init deployment - deploy cdktf stacks

the stack list may be out-of-date, run npx --yes cdktf-cli@0.13.3 under the instance root in case things are not working as intented

cd environments/$ENVIRONMENT/deployments/$INSTANCE_ID/
npx --yes cdktf-cli@0.13.3 deploy project network gke sql app sqlschema waf security executors monitoring output --auto-approve --parallelism 8

Init deployment - generate kustomize artifacts

Go back to the repo root directory, rerun the generate command to generate the kustomize manifests and helm overrides (it shouldn’t error out again)

mi2 generate kustomize -e $ENVIRONMENT --domain $DOMAIN --slug $SLUG

Init deployment - deploy apps

Run command below to obtain the commands to target the new cluster

mi2 instance workon -e $ENVIRONMENT --slug $SLUG

Copy and run the output gcloud and kubectl commands, you shall see something like

gcloud container clusters get-credentials src-$random_hash --region us-central1 --project src-$random_hash
kubectl config set-context gke_src-$random_hash_us-central1_src-src-$random_hash --namespace=src-$random_hash

Deploy the manifests

cd environments/$ENVIRONMENT/deployments/$INSTANCE_ID/kubernetes
kustomize build --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone --enable-helm . | kubectl apply -f -

Enable backup

Enable daily backup for GKE cluster

cd sourcegraph/cloud
mi2 instance sync --slug $SLUG -e $ENVIRONMENT

Wrapping up

Revert back up VCS-driven mode

mi2 instance edit --query 'del(.spec.debug.tfcRunsMode)' --slug $SLUG -e $ENVIRONMENT
cd environments/$ENVIRONMENT/deployments/$INSTANCE_ID/
npx --yes cdktf-cli@0.13.3 deploy tfc

Commit your changes

git add .
git commit -m "$SLUG: create instance"

Create a new pull request and merge it


PVC is stuck at Pending

You may be seeing the following events

failed to provision volume with StorageClass "sourcegraph": rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = CreateVolume failed to pick zones for disk: failed to pick zones from topology: need 2 zones from topology, only got 1 unique zones

This is due to there is only one worker node available in the pool, we can force worker pool to scale up by deployment the below pause pod.

kubectl apply -f

Don’t forget to clean it up after PVCs are provisioned.

kubectl delete -f

How do I check my Sourcegraph deployment rollout progress?

We do not use ArgoCD for V2 MVP

Visit ArgoCD at

I am unable to apply the terraform module due to permission error.

roles/owner definitely grants excessive permissions, but it would make developing greenfield project much easier and we will revist permissions at a later day.

Ensure the Google Group you belong to is present here Otherwise, consult GCP access process to obtain access.

Any other questions?

Please reach out to #cloud