Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Training

On this page

  • What is harassment and discrimination prevention training?
  • Who is assigned harassment and discrimination prevention training at Sourcegraph?
  • When do we take harassment training, and how often?
  • How do I complete harassment training?
  • Is there a policy we need to review?

Preventing Harassment and Discrimination at Sourcegraph

Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training is just one of the ways we create a welcoming and inclusive workplace for everyone at Sourcegraph! It is a foundational starting point on which we build daily practices that ensure our commitment to being welcoming and inclusive is a lived value.

We are committed to providing an environment free of harassment and discrimination of all types.

Anyone who feels harassed, discriminated against, or otherwise disrespected should report the incident to their manager, the People Team, the Legal Team, or our anonymous, confidential third-party hotline. Refer to our Global Respectful Workplace Policy or our Code of Conduct for more information on raising concerns.

Who is assigned harassment and discrimination prevention training at Sourcegraph?

Every Teammate completes harassment training on an annual basis.

We provide two different types of training: one for managers and one for ICs. While we all have a responsibility to ensure our workplace is free from harassment and discrimination, managers have additional responsibilities in fostering a harassment-free workplace, including mandatory reporting and, in some cases, intervening before a small problem grows bigger. Managers need to be prepared and capable to respond appropriately if they become aware of any improper conduct.

When do we take harassment prevention training, and how often?

Teammates complete harassment training annually on their anniversary at Sourcegraph. New hires complete training within their first two weeks 30 days of hire as part of their onboarding.

In August 2022, we are asking all Teammates to complete the training. Starting in January 2023, Teammates will be assigned a refresher training on their anniversary date. Training must be completed within 2 weeks of being assigned.

How do I complete harassment prevention training?

Training is assigned to you in Continu at the start of the training window.

How long will the training take to complete?

Manager-specific training will take an estimated 90-120 minutes.

IC-specific training will take an estimated 60-120 minutes.

We suggest you schedule a dedicated time to complete the training. Each course is broken into modules, so if you need to step away while completing a course, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off.

If you’ve been assigned the wrong training based on your role, reach out to #ask-people-team.

Can I complete the training more quickly than the allotted time?

Some laws require Teammates to spend a minimum amount of time completing the course, so even if you are able to pass through content quickly, you may need to dedicate the full course time to taking the training if you are in one of these locations. The good news is, there are lots of additional resources referenced throughout the training that you can review to complete the time requirements.

If you are not in a location that has a minimum required time, you can complete the training at your own pace which may be shorter or longer than the estimated times.

Is there a policy we need to review?

Yes. As part of our efforts to ensure everyone within Sourcegraph, and who interacts with Sourcegraph teammates, feels welcomed and included, regardless of their background, we have a policy in place: Global Respectful Workplace and Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying Prevention Policy(we generally refer to this as our Global Respectful Workplace Policy).

The purpose of this Global Respectful Workplace Policy is to be clear about the way all teammates should treat each other and third parties who interact with Sourcegraph, and the remedies available in the event anyone feels they are not being treated with respect.

As part of the training, teammates will have to review this policy and complete an acknowledgement confirming they have reviewed and understand the policy.

Are there different trainings depending on location?

For all international teammates we provide a Global Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training.

In the US, certain states require specific training when it comes to Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training. We provide specific training for these states:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Illinois
  • Maine
  • New York

Our U.S. teammates who are not located in one of these states receives the General Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training, which references U.S. federal law. If you’ve been assigned the wrong training based on your location, reach out to #ask-people-team.

Pre/Post Training Survey

At the beginning and end of this course, you will be prompted to complete an optional survey that will help Sourcegraph gain insight into how we’re doing when it comes to combatting workplace discrimination.

As a global company composed of people from all backgrounds misunderstandings and conflicts can happen. The insight you provide will help us find solutions quickly and efficiently and build an even stronger company culture.

This part of the training is completely optional. You can skip any or all of the questions and move on to the next part by clicking on Submit Answer(s) at the bottom of the page.

Is there anything else I should know about the training?

The training provides a lot of examples of scenarios and interactions, many of which are set in an office or co-working space. Although our workspace is primarily virtual and teammates do not share a physical space when performing day-to-day work, the concepts and examples in these trainings still have important take-aways for our workplace. As you take the training, consider how those same principles apply to your interactions with other teammates in our virtual workspace. Refer to the workplace definition in our Global Respectful Workplace Policy for more information about how these concepts apply to our workplace.